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Ensuring Equity in the Time of COVID-19

Past Sessions

The session recordings are available below, with access to presentations and related resources.

COVID-19 Research with Deaf People who use American Sign Language

September 23, 2020

With urgent COVID-19 funding from the NIH, the Center for Deaf Health Equity conducted mixed methods study with deaf and hard of hearing adults who use American Sign Language (ASL). We created an online ASL/English survey to quickly deploy and assess an underserved DHH population’s knowledge/attitude toward physical distancing, self-perceived risk for COVID-19, patient-physician communication, and healthcare access experience. In the webinar, we will share challenges and successes associated with research design and data collection. We will also share preliminary findings and discuss their implications for promoting accessibility for health care during the pandemic.

Challenges and Opportunities Achieving Educational Equity during COVID-19

September 2, 2020

As schools re-open, virtually, hybrid and in person, the COVID pandemic continues to highlight existing inequalities in educational attainment, family context and disabilities.

The Impact of COVID-19 in Rural America

August 19, 2020

Challenged by limited resources and growing rates of COVID-19, rural America is confronting the pandemic through innovative strategies with public and private partnerships. This session will highlight the engagement of state agencies and nonprofits as they mobilize their collective resources to address COVID19.

Ensuring Equity and Justice During the Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons from the Poor People’s Campaign

August 5, 2020

In March, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival convened the COVID-19 Health Justice Advisory Committee to advise the movement’s efforts to ensure a just and equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Join Dr. Sharrelle Barber and organizers from the campaign for a discussion about lessons learned and the urgent need for a movement that organizes from the bottom up and demands a radical restructuring of this nation during these challenging times.

A Hidden Pandemic: Mental Health, Trauma, and Racial Healing

July 8, 2020

At the intersection of a worsening COVID pandemic and the birth of a new civil rights era, we are also experiencing a shadow mental health pandemic in our communities. Our panelist will discuss trauma and racial healing in these times.

Community Resilience & Healing during COVID-19

May 20, 2020

During this session, our guest speakers will share from their work how we can understand the factors that promote community resilience during COVID-19 and lessons learned about community healing in past traumas.

Birth Equity during COVID-19

May 13, 2020

The ability of birthing people to access quality reproductive and maternal health services during the COVID-19 crisis is important. This is especially important for BIPOC who disproportionately experience a lack of quality care in the best of times. Join us to hear how partnerships and birthworkers are supporting birthing people and their families during this time.

Pandemic Call and Response: Black Queer & Trans Communities

May 6, 2020

The speakers share from their lived and learned experiences of grassroots organizing and practical solutions for equity in the Black Queer & Trans communities during COVID-19.

Justice for All: Pandemic Response for Incarcerated Populations

April 29, 2020

Mass incarceration in the US and the current COVID-19 pandemic have collided to create a major health crisis. An estimated 2 million adults and youth are at risk due to the inability to minimize risk at overcrowded detention facilities, prisons and jails. This session will highlight the myriad of issues impacting those incarcerated, their families and the nation.

Behind the Scenes and In the Shadows: Essential Employees in COVID-19

April 22, 2020

The term “essential workers” has taken on a new and often times confusing meaning during the COVID19 pandemic. In part, because each state, and sometimes each municipality has a different definition of what jobs are deemed essential. These essential workers are often those tasked with providing important services and support for our communities. This session highlights two of those sectors – farm workers and home health workers.

Facts and Lessons Learned from Recent Disasters

April 15, 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting pre-existing systemic inequities. Join us as we discuss with leading public health experts and community leaders on the facts of COVID-19 and lessons learned from the Flint water crisis.



This webinar series was offered in partnership with Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.







Clinical Scholars is a national leadership program for experienced health care providers supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.





UNC Rural is a Provost Initiative that connects, supports and engages in community-campus partnerships to advance well-being in rural North Carolina communities. Follow UNC Rural on Twitter.