Teirraha Lowe, CPNP Pediatrics |Surry Rural Health Center | Surry County
1. What is a quote that has had a significant influence on your life, and why?
“God gives its toughest battles to its smallest soldiers.” – Unknown Author
This quote has fueled my desire to care for children, especially those who are underserved or in areas of limited resources. Children are so fragile when sick, but to see a small little one fight through sickness/adversities and go on to live long healthy lives, is the most rewarding part of my job.
2. Where are you from originally?
I am from Mt. Airy, NC.
3. How did you decide to become a physician?
Working as a nurse for many years, I felt that there was a greater calling for my life and decided that a provider role would offer more opportunities to help children, especially to serve a larger role in caring for children in our community. This role as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner has allowed me to work near home and serve those closest to me.
4. What do you like about practicing in an underserved area?
Growing up in this area, I can see the disparities that our children face daily, especially in the area where our office is located. There are very few choices for medical care, and people do not have resources to travel to larger areas for treatment. In this way, our office has been a wonderful blessing to our community because we are able to offer many services that would otherwise be inaccessible.
5. Is your practice using any tools to address social determinates of health for patients?
In office screening tools are utilized to identify potential issues, and NC Care 360 has offered many options for resources that we have not previously had.
6. How has Medicaid Transformation/Expansion affected your practice?
We are such a rural practice that this has not had a huge impact on our practice. It has offered care to many more people who would not have benefited otherwise, but because we are a smaller family practice, it hasn’t helped increase patient population as much as in a larger city.
7. Do you have any hobbies or activities for self-care?
I enjoy reading, going to the lake with my husband and children, and water sports. My children are involved in baseball and horseback riding which keeps us involved and outdoors as much as possible.
8. Is there anything that CPP can do to help you and your practice?
This program has encouraged healthcare providers to practice in underserved communities, offering assistance and options for school repayment that would otherwise be unavailable. I am thankful for this opportunity and the commitment this program has made to serve the people of this state and rural medicine.