Important reminder from SC Medicaid.
June 13, 2017 | view this message in your web browser

 Carolinas Chapter-AACE 
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

2017 Annual Meeting InfoCC-AACE Website

To: South Carolina Endocrinologists

The following is a notice received by CC-AACE from the South Carolina Medicaid Office. They have requested that we forward the below information and reminder to you.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. Neal Asman at or (803) 403-2129.

The Program Year 2016 Meaningful Use (MU) attestation deadline is 6/30/2017 but new participants must register at least 2 days before the attestation deadline to allow time for the registration to be processed.

Don’t Miss Out on Incentive Payments as an Eligible Professional.

For New Participants Among Your Membership, Six Years of Incentive Payments are Possible If They Go Online and:

  1. Get Registered at Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) by Wednesday, June 28, 2017; and
  2. Submit an MU Attestation to the SC Department of Health & Human Services on the next day or before the deadline of 11:59 PM on Friday, June 30, 2017.

The SC Medicaid EHR Incentive Program eligible professional types include certified nurse-midwife, dentist, doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine, doctor of medicine or osteopathy, doctor of optometry, doctor of podiatry, nurse practitioner, physician assistant who furnishes services in an FQHC or RHC that is led by a physician assistant. Additional eligibility criteria apply.

Providers within your association’s membership may be eligible to participate in the S.C. Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, which provides incentive payments to Eligible Professionals (EP) when they demonstrate the meaningful use (MU) of certified EHR technology (CEHRT). The EHR Incentive Programs are designed to support providers in this period of Health IT transition and instill the use of EHRs in meaningful ways to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient health care.

Providers that are eligible to participate may receive up to $63,750 for full participation in the program. This includes a payment in the first participation year of $21,250 for demonstrating meaningful use of CEHRT and $8,500 for the next five years with continued demonstration of meaningful use of CEHRT. Through the week ending May 5, 2017, 4,211 incentive payments have been made by this program to eligible professionals in South Carolina totaling $66,369,452.

Providers in your association that may be new participants to our program should register and submit their PY16 attestation right away but certainly before these deadlines.

Returning providers who have received their Program Year (PY) 2015 payment or have determined they are not eligible for PY 2015 payment should submit their PY16 attestation as soon as possible. Progress through the following steps.

  1. For your providers new to participation, they should begin their participation by completing the registration process. Please visit the CMS Registration and Attestation System. Upon successful registration, the CMS system will supply you with a CMS Registration ID. Contact the CMS EHR Information Center for assistance: (888) 734-6433
  2. Review our user guide and meaningful use measure criteria to assist you in completing your attestation.
  3. ATTENTION NURSE PRACTITIONERS, CERTIFIED NURSE MIDWIVES AND PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS: Note that to qualify as an Eligible Professional under the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, a provider may not be "hospital-based," defined as any provider who furnishes 90% or more of his or her professional services in a hospital setting (inpatient, Place of Service 21; or emergency room, Place of Service 23) in the year preceding the payment year. The SCDHHS HIT Division is required to validate each program year that a provider is not hospital-based before paying Medicaid EHR Incentive Program incentives. Please upload employment statements attesting the provider is not hospital-based accordingly.
  4. For all of your providers (new and returning), start now compiling your patient volume data and meaningful use data as required in the attestation. Be prepared with this information prior to the June 30 deadline for attestation.
  5. When you are ready to begin the attestation process, login to the S.C. State Level Repository (SLR) The S.C. Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will only accept MU type applications as the deadline for AIU (adopt, implement or upgrade) type attestations has passed. For more information regarding attestation availability and deadlines, please visit the S.C. Medicaid EHR Incentive Program website:

We appreciate your interest in the S.C. Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.


Neal Asman
Provider Relations

Neal Asman
Project Coordinator
1801 Main Street
Columbia, South Carolina - 29201

Healthy Connections and the Healthy Connections logo are trademarks of South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and may be used only with permission from the Agency.

W. Alan Skipper, CAE
Executive Director
Carolinas Chapter-AACE
PO Box 27167
Raleigh, NC 27611
Phone: (919) 833-3836
Fax: (919) 833-2023

Program & Registration
2017 CC-AACE Annual Meeting
August 25-27 @ Pinehurst
Poster Submission Deadline: July 15

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