Membership with NCOGS
What Does NCOGS Offer You?
Education: Quality, Convenience & Affordability
Receive quality education at our NC OB/Gyn Society & NC Section of ACOG’s Annual Meeting where attendees earn education credits, network with colleagues and are updated on key advocacy issues. Meetings typically draw 80-100 physicians and many vendors. Members enjoy a discounted registration rate!
Communications & Media Relations
The Society disseminates information to our members, the larger health community and the public through a variety of communications vehicles. Society members receive periodic email newsletters and time-sensitive “action alerts” on urgent matters so you can participate when your help is needed most.
Professional Relations
The Society maintains close relationships with our partner organizations. We work frequently with other physician groups, residency programs, and various health agencies. The Society, through the resources of the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS), provides assistance with members’ regulatory and payer issues.
Legislative and Political Affairs
Direct lobbying of the NC General Assembly is just one component of our advocacy strategy. Through GOPAC — the gynecologists’ and obstetricians’ political action committee — we work to identify and support candidates to advance the Society’s position on key legislative issues. We encourage and facilitate grassroots activities, strengthening our members’ local advocacy efforts. We also host events with legislators in Raleigh. Contact us at for advocacy assistance.

Thank you for your support and active participation!