NCSOHNS Advocacy
Engaging with legislators in Raleigh is just one component of an effective advocacy strategy. To be highly effective, otolaryngologists need to incorporate regular meetings with legislators into your schedules and support legislators' election campaigns.
Participating in candidate fundraisers are an excellent way to show support for our elected officials who deal with legislation impacting the medical profession and patient care. In fact, they are an essential part of our representative democracy! Politically-engaged citizens like you help to ensure the election of candidates who are open to hearing our concerns and appreciate our position on key legislative issues impacting patient care.
You will find that your elected representatives in the NC House and Senate are very accessible and genuinely appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions and hear your concerns. If you don't know who represents you in the General Assembly, you can look up your House and Senate representatives on the General Assembly website. If you would like scheduling assistance, coaching or a legislative briefing, please contact the NCSOHNS at ncoto@ncmedsoc.org.