Clinician Wellness Donation Form

Our vision is to make North Carolina one of the healthiest states to practice medicine for clinicians and physicians. Donations to this fund allow the NCMS to devote resources to clinician wellness activities. Thank you for your support!

For more information about Clinician Wellness activities, please Contact Tina Natt Och Dag,
For more information on the NCMS Foundation, please contact Pam Highsmith,

Donation Information
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
Gift Details
Billing Information
PLEASE NOTE: It may take several seconds for your transaction to process; do not click on the donate button more than once. Although it may seem as though your submission has lagged, you should see a confirmation screen momentarily.


