Membership in the Wake County Medical Society is one of the most important and effective ways for physicians, collectively, to be part of the solution to our many health care challenges. A strong, vibrant Society will always have the ear of legislators because they respect the fact that doctors are uniquely qualified to help form health policies that work as intended. It's heartening to know the vast majority of Wake County physicians have chosen to become members of the Wake County Medical Society.
Our members not only help support a vibrant, effective medical profession, but support the system of the future as well, which is a legacy physicians want to be part of, especially at a time when the need for health care professionals is growing dramatically.
Membership Cost
Making Membership Affordable: WCMS leadership works hard to control the cost of membership dues.
Society Strategic Initiatives
Service Programs - The spirit of volunteerism is strong in Wake County. Hundreds of local physicians volunteer to help our indigent. The Society coordinates several programs that allow low income individuals access to volunteer doctors and to special case management services for children with diabetes, sickle cell anemia or asthma.
Additional Member Benefits
Socializing with your physician colleagues - Many physicians feel too busy to do anything except work long hours caring for patients. But, "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main," wrote John Donne about 400 years ago. The same idea holds true today with physicians and your local professional community.
The WCMS provides an opportunity for physicians to nourish relationships through social interaction with one another at our dinner meetings featuring prominent speakers and at other events.
Finally, joining the WCMS is plain and simple the right thing to do; physicians and ultimately your patients benefit from our membership and our leadership in local affairs.

The North Carolina Medical Society provides administrative support for the Wake County Medical Society; should you have any membership questions, please email wakemedsoc@ncmedsoc.org or telephone 1-800-722-1350 or (919) 833-3836 and ask for the Member Services department.